Procpods 008-010

In March I told you about Adam Crammond’s new procpod podcast. It’s a spinoff from the proc rec netlabel, which has been on a hiatus for a couple of years now. The first few procpod episodes featured exclusive tracks from underground techno and electronica artists that are somehow connected to proc. Episode008 started with a […]

Derex’s Top 10 Intox Noize Releases of 2018

Intox Noize

Intox Noize is an underground EDM netlabel from russia. It started in 2008 with a release by adam crammond’s c4 project. It has next to 300 releases, not counting the output on its sublabels like In Noize. Looking back at 2018, label head Derex has sent us his favorite Intox releases from last year. [noize080] […]

Short Portait: Intrauterin Recordings

I recently started portraying labels that are within the vicinity of Kanal K’s (the radio station broadcasting our radio show) transmission area. This is the first post of a series briefly portraying electronic music labels which are beyond that coverage, i.e. of labels from all over the world. I start with a label that I […]