In March I told you about Adam Crammond’s new procpod podcast. It’s a spinoff from the proc rec netlabel, which has been on a hiatus for a couple of years now. The first few procpod episodes featured exclusive tracks from underground techno and electronica artists that are somehow connected to proc. Episode008 started with a track from a duo that I’m part of: the Swiss abstract experimental techno project Das All. I do this together with cadmium boss Willoc Babbyz. He came up with an idea for an EP. Each of us was to create some samples and send them to the other who makes a track with them.

I quickly did a track called “Don’t Fuck With Das All” but after that, progress started to slack and Willoc and I had a fall out which made me worry that the EP won’t ever going to be finished (which turned out to be wrong – it was released last week and I’m planning to do a post about it as well). This is why I sent an exclusive edit of the track to Adam for his podcast and I’m very happy he accepted it. Actually, I was so happy that I put it on discogs so that you can put in your collection and rate it five stars.

There are eight more tracks on the episode, from artists like Microbit Project, Toxic Chicken (he’s very active likely!), dn76e and Adam himself as graffiti mechanism. Some tracks are from artists that are of yet otherwise unknown to me, like The Poetize Code. There’s also a track from Ukraine’s Genetic Trance. However, he told me that he has stolen the track from Sascha Müller, back when he was a young teenager and didn’t know how to achieve this kind of sound. Though, I don’t understand how the track now ended up in the episode if that’s indeed the case. And I’m not sure if I should have just told you this.

A podcast from the underground

Talking about Sascha Müller, he also has a track on this episode, but what’s really special is that you can hear his voice at the beginning, telling the listener that he is part of the underground. Which is actually spot on considering that the episode still has only 15 views. This might have been a reason why Adam changed the concept of the show in the succeeding two episodes. Starting with 009 and Lee Rosevere, every episode focusses on one artist only. And the newest episode came out just today, it has six tracks from Sascha Müller from different Proc-Rec releases.

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